Perhaps we can reschedule the election

Perhaps we can reschedule the election

It may come as no surprise to you all that I’m not passive about advocating for my rights. Whether it be for advancement opportunities at work, quality medical care and our democratic process.

So when I realized that the schedule for my upcoming breast surgery could potentially compromise my ability to cast my vote in the upcoming presidential election, I knew that I had to get it sorted out. Clearly, a request to postpone the election would be met with opposition. Someone already tried that and I don’t recall it going over so well. 😏 In the past, I had joked with Theo that I didn’t care if he added wheels to my recliner and pushed me to the polls while I wore a hazmat suit to fight off the Corona Virus, I would cast my ballot. I’ve exercised my right to vote since I was 18 years old.

At my last appointment, Dr.Shuck told me that my surgery would be sometime in October. Early, mid, late. He didn’t know. It all depended on my body and how much time it needed to heal. I wasn’t too concerned by this because I figured I’d just request a mail in ballot. Silly of me to think it would be that easy.

In Texas, mail in ballots are only available if you’re over 65, disabled, in prison, or will be out of the county and therefore unable to cast your vote. In the latter scenario, a mail in ballot is only mailed to an address out of state. Clearly none of these scenarios apply to me so my only option is to appear in person. The problem is I’d only be able to appear in person if my surgery was scheduled after I voted.

In Texas, early voting has been advanced to October 13 (from October 19). Therefore any surgery scheduled prior to this date would render me incapable of casting my ballot. I couldn’t count on being able to stand in long lines after a major surgery. 

Maybe it’s just me but I find it completely unacceptable that we still have such an archaic voting system. I can pick up my phone and order something to be delivered to my home within an hour. I can deposit checks into my bank accounts using my phone. I can file my taxes online but we still have to mail in a ballot or appear in person to use an old machine to vote. (Ok I did have a touch screen voting machine last year but that’s besides the point) It’s Bananas! But I digress.

To add another layer of complexity, Dr. Shuck only performs the type of reconstruction I’ve elected on Tuesday and Thursday. After checking his schedule, his first available date in October is on the 15th. Ok that would work, I’d be able to vote on the 13th with the following day as backup. (You never know what my happen at the polls.) But there was only one problem. My birthday is on the 15th! And there is no way that I would agree to show up at the hospital at 5am to prepare for a long surgery after which I’d need to spend several days in the ICU .. on my birthday! No thank you. Not my idea of a party. So we are going with the next available surgery day instead - October 20.

Yes, you’ve heard it here first folks. I now have a surgery date to look forward to .. whoop whoop 🙌🏽

Dr Shuck likes the date because it provides more than enough time for me to heal slowly but surely with slow expansion over that period. He added a little more fluid in the right breast today. So I’m more like an A cup now, gone are the days of the A-. The right breast is still disproportionate to the left breast but Shuck says slow and steady wins this race. He gave me an A for rest and recovery this week (but no sticker or gold star 🙄 .. hey I like to be rewarded) and reminded me to take it easy with the PT on the right side. And then he said “You get a break. I’ll see you in 2 weeks.” While I was ecstatic that I would get a break from the hospital; at least I’d get a break from COVID screening. (in my head, I fight the woman who does the COVID screening every time she asks if I’ve been out of the country recently. I wish!) I don’t know how Dr. Shuck will manage to get through his week without seeing his favorite patient?!?!! 🤣

Don’t get me wrong, I’m happen to skip a week. I’d be even happier if I could spend that skipped week in an over water bungalow in the Figi Islands but I guest that ain’t happening.

So for now, I have exactly 2 months to prepare for surgery.

  • More PT time with Tom and his sadistic exercises. Have you tried the elliptical with a mask?!! I shouldn’t complain though. PT is a beautiful thing. I can actually reach the cups on the top shelf now and I can rise from my seat without moaning.

  • Adequate time to mentally prepare for another major surgery

  • And a confirmed date in my calendar to look forward to (that doesn’t fall on my birthday)

I love it when a plan comes together!


ps. Make sure you’re registered to vote and vote early if you can!

Preparing for the storm

Preparing for the storm

The sandwich cookie method

The sandwich cookie method