Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

And Jesus is the reason for the season.

Well I tell ya what… it’s nothing like a good ole cancer scare to make you more grateful than you’ve ever been. Ever Ever. It’s never been about gifts. When I look back on this holiday, all I will remember is the smiles on their faces and good time we had together. But I will take these cute little earrings that Sydney got me too 😜

I finally got to see the movie Queen and Slim. Very interesting movie. If there is anyone later than me, I won’t give it away. I’ll just say that I prefer an alternate ending lol. I too am thankful that I have someone that will hold my hand forever. (And also take my photos 🤪 - see the Christmas movie fit below)

Now it’s time to cook dinner. I opted for seafood this year. Everyone was pleased. (Tap the photo on the right to scroll)

Seriously! Who does that?!?!

Seriously! Who does that?!?!

I am not my hair, or am I?

I am not my hair, or am I?