So grateful

So grateful

Honestly, I didn’t really know how today would go. I’d always known that I would share my journey but I didn’t really know how I would do it. I knew that I preferred not to force others along my journey by sharing everything on Instagram and Facebook. So I decided to blog and invite you on the journey here. I never imagined that so many people would offer prayers, phone calls, texts, DMs, etc. If I’m honest, with my chemo approaching imminently, I knew that my hair would fall out soon and then folks would be shocked by it all. (Cuz y’all are gonna get bald head pics, wrapped head pics, hatted pics, wigged pics .. whatever I feel like rocking that day. And y’all are gonna like it. Ok!) Since I’ve shared, I have heard and read countless stories of women who are working through their own very similar journeys. And my journey is no more important than theirs or yours. But it is MY journey that I choose to share in hopes that it would help someone else. I’m not seeking a nomination in the “woe is me” olympics. That’s not what #prettysic is about. (If you need a refresher check the “about” tab, quiz on Friday 😜) Now, this also does not mean that I won’t have bad days. But I thank you for your patience in rocking with me til the end.

Appreciate all of the love and prayers from the bottom of my heart .

❤️ T

Quick .. I need a Superhero name.

Quick .. I need a Superhero name.

Yes, I’d like your opinion

Yes, I’d like your opinion