Who is "immuno-compromised"? Me.. that's who!

Who is "immuno-compromised"? Me.. that's who!

Hey y’all.. After many days of watching the endless news reports and social media posts on COVID-19 (aka the Corona Virus) and many calls checking in on me, I’m just writing to let y’all know that I am OK.

I know it’s a LOT. Everywhere you turn, there is another report about something else being closed or someone else being infected. New expressions like “social distancing” and “immuno-suppressed” have been introduced to guide us through this period. Ironically enough, with my diagnosis, I’ve been pretty hip to this terminology before it was a thing. Social distancing is merely a conscious effort to reduce close contact between people in an effort to reduce community transmission of the disease …. as the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus. The CDC states that the virus is thought to be spread mainly from person-to-person:

  1. between people who are in close contact (within 6 ft) with one another

  2. through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes

So what does that mean for me? First of all, I have to stay prayed up. But after that, it’s up to me to use the sense that God has blessed me with. Like …

  1. Continue to wash my hands thoroughly and often .. notice I said “continue”. It’s really crazy to me that some people look at washing your hands as this “new thing”. When I was in New Orleans in the restroom, a lady giggled as I was washing my hands at the sink. She said. “ Are you doing the new Corona virus wash.. singing happy birthday in your head to make sure that you are washing for 20 secs?” Ma’am.. sorry my momma taught me that when I first used the potty alone. This is not new. I swear.. by the time this thing is over, I won’t have any skin left on my hands.

  2. Continue to refuse PDA (public or private displays of affection) - As soon as I started my chemotherapy treatment, all hugs and kisses abruptly came to an end. It’s not personal, but I have to protect myself. If you are sniffling, I can’t trust that it’s “just allergies.” It’s hard for people to understand this, and I get it. But if you are sick and you pass it on to someone that is “immuno-suppressed” (anyone that has an illness which results in a reduction the efficacy of the immune system to fight off gems and illnesses. This could be caused by AIDS, cancer, diabetes, malnutrition, and other genetic disorders to name a few.), it may mean life or death. In the past, I’ve even intentionally arrived at church late to avoid the period where you”greet your neighbors.” It was just much easier than refusing a hug and a hand shake in church.

  3. Continue to clean all high-touch surfaces daily - Now I don’t know how you were raised, but Momma Joy ain’t play that.. The kitchen will be clean EVERY day and you will clean your bathroom too. Now, I’ve had to add the doorknobs and electronic equipment to this list. But the rest is more of the same. But good luck if you are trying to find some lysol disinfectant wipes now. Luckily, Theo cleaned out the whole aisle when I started chemo. We should be good for a while.

  4. Increase social distancing - Now this is new for me. In the past, I would go out to public places but I’d be very cautious about my surroundings. If someone showed symptoms, I was out of there. But now more than ever, I can’t rely on symptoms to tell if someone is ill. I know that some will say that this is no different than before, as people could be flu carriers and not show signs of the flu. But knowledge is power. Now that I know that I am being urged to limit my interactions with others, why take on unnecessary risk? So, sorry, I’m gonna have to pass on meeting for brunch for now.

  5. Avoid touching nose, mouth, and eyes with unwashed hands - Now this… this right here is a struggle. It seems that I am a insane face toucher. Yes it’s a thing.. It’s quite ridiculous, I am really intentional about not touching my face but geez… It’s so hard.

  6. Avoid sharing personal items - Now I have a had to step this up a bit. I carry my own pen, and I don’t pass my phone around for people to see.. Do you know how many germs are on your phone in the base case? Yuck! It’s disgusting.. I don’t need your germs too.. Mine are enough!

Of course, my medical team has also taken preventive measures to ensure that the risk of infection is minimized at the hospital of course. But I need to vigilant about doing my part at home! So, I’m just hanging out waiting for my son to come home today (since his classes have been transitioned to online for the remainder of the semester), buying some stocks, catching up on some administrative stuff, FaceTiming with friends and family, and trying not to eat too much. Reminds me of a snowstorm in the Northeast. lol

Y’all take care of yourself AND each other. Remember, a pandemic is a global issue. It’s not enough to care about yourself. We must think hard about what we can do to limit exposure to others as well. Simply stated, this is not the time to be selfish. ♥️

The show must still go on .. Treatment #5

The show must still go on .. Treatment #5

Laissez les bon temps rouler

Laissez les bon temps rouler