How long is your bucket list?

How long is your bucket list?

Last year, I lost another friend to Breast Cancer. As we ushered her home, I could not imagine that I was being prepared for my own journey with Breast Cancer.

Katrina Dennis

Katrina Dennis

Katrina Dennis was the epitome of a strong woman. She was also smart, accomplished, beautiful, philanthropic, and incredibly fashionable. At age 40, her short time on Earth came to a close. I will always remember her spunk and tenacity for life. She didn't wait for a Breast Cancer diagnosis to develop a bucket list. She lived life daily.

Some may think that the longer their bucket list is, the more time they have left on Earth to check all the items off. I am afraid this simply is not so.

Though Katrina’s life was short in length, it was full of purpose. Reflecting on her short time with us, I am reminded that no one is promised tomorrow. Drawing on her strength, I have (rec)committed to living life to the fullest extent possible. No more putting off for tomorrow. I will live today.

Please join me.


Please consider donating to her legacy by visiting her foundation’s site at the link below:

I'm not as strong as I was last year, but I'm stronger than I was yesterday.

I'm not as strong as I was last year, but I'm stronger than I was yesterday.

Preparing for the storm

Preparing for the storm